Ostrich Chicks and Eggs

Black neck females produce more than 110 chicks per season. No other ostrich in the world is as fertile as the South African Black neck. They grow very fast and easily reach 95kg at the age of 8 months. However, we have found that you should not slaughter the birds before they are 10 months old. Their meat is remarkably healthy. It contains less cholesterol, fewer kilojoules, less fat and less protein than chicken and turkey. The demand for the meat of the South African Blacks is so high. Ostrich is the biggest bird among all the bird species. They also produce the largest eggs. An adult male ostrich weights between 63 to 130 kg and an adult female ostrich weights about 155 kg . Adult male ostrich feathers are black colored, primary and caudal feathers are white colored. Female and baby ostrich feather can be of gray or white colored. The neck of the both male and female ostrich is almost featherless.


Ostrich Chicks 1 Day Old:R250.00
Ostrich Chicks 1 Month Old:R400.00
Ostrich Chicks 2 Month Old:R500.00
Ostrich Chicks 3 Month Old:R550.00
Ostrich Chicks 4 Month Old:R600.00
Ostrich Chicks 5 Month Old:R650.00
Ostrich Chicks 6 Month Old:R700.00
Ostrich Eggs:R200.00
Ostrich Feathers: R150.00
Ostrich Shell:R90.00