Broiler and Layer Fertile Eggs

Fertile Eggs Boschvelder
Price: R3 each and a Box of 360 Eggs for :R1,080

Fertile Boschvelder eggs produced from our own breeding stock. *Hatching rates are not guaranteed due to factors such as management, machine performance, and transport of the eggs.

Other Breed of Layer Fertile Eggs Available

Rhode Island Red
Barred Wyandotte
Cuckoo Maran
Light Sussex
White Leghorn
Amber Link

Ross 308 / Cobb 500 Fertile eggs
Price: R2.5 each and a Box of 360 Eggs for :R900

Ross 308 Broiler fertile eggs. Comes in boxes of 360 eggs.

Fertile eggs are sourced from reputable suppliers and have been tested in our own incubators for fertility and hatch rate.

A Grade : Medium eggs (size 45 to 55g)

Normal Grade : Medium eggs (size 45 to 55g)

Normal Grade : Small eggs (size 45 to 48g)

Dimensions : 32(w) x 35(h) x 61(l) cm, 20kg

Fertility above 95% . Throughput rate 85 to 95%.

*Hatching rates are not guaranteed due to factors such as hatchery management, machine performance, transport , storage and handling of the eggs after leaving our premises.

Hyline Brown & Lohmann Brown Fertile eggs
Price: R3 each and a Box of 360 Eggs for :R1,080

Hy-Line Brown & Lohmann Brown is the world’s most balanced brown egg layer. She produces more than 467 rich brown eggs to 100 weeks, peaks well, and begins to lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with unrivaled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market, and excellent livability give the Hy-Line and Lohmann Brown the perfect balance, which means more profit for the egg producer.

*Hatching rates are not guaranteed due to factors such as management, machine performance, and transport of the eggs.

Fertile Eggs Australorp
Price: R3 each and a Box of 360 Eggs for :R1,080

Black Australorp are a cross between a Leghorn, Orpington and a Rhode Island Red. A friendly, easygoing chicken, it’s perfect for beginners since it doesn’t require a lot of special care. It’s also easy to deal with and acclimates well. Australorp layers produce around 300 large eggs per annum

Fertile eggs are produced from our own onsite breeding stock.*Hatching rates are not guaranteed due to factors such as management, machine performance, and transport of the eggs.

Fertile Eggs Potch Koekoek
Price: R3.5 each and a Box of 360 Eggs for :R1,260

Potch Koekoeks are a South African breed of chicken developed in the 1960s at the Potchefstroom Agricultural College in the city of Potchefstroom . It was developed by cross breeding a number of other breeds like Black Australorp, White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock to obtain specific characteristics of each, making the resulting breed more suitable to Southern African conditions. Potch koekkoek layers produce around 210 eggs per annum.

Fertile eggs are produced from our own onsite breeding stock.*Hatching rates are not guaranteed due to factors such as management, machine performance, and transport of the eggs.