Layer Hen Rearing

We rear our own pullets from day-old chicks to point of lay.Rearing of pullets occurs over 17 weeks (some four months).We believe that good management during the rearing period can assure that the point of lay subsequently reaches the laying house in optimal condition to successfully deliver eggs.

Since 2013 Murray Pro Poultry Farm is producing their own point-of-lay pullets, production is enough that no pullets are bought in. Approximately 30% of our point-of-lay hens are sold to external customers. Amberlink, Lohmann Brown and Hy-line are the three breeds that are used which give satisfactory results. Both cage and floor rearing are used, where cage rearing is suitable for commercial layer production systems and floor rearing suits the free-range market better.

Murray Pro Poultry Farm has a high welfare standard where we follow the Five Freedoms of animal welfare as outlined by the World Organization of Animal Health. The SAPA standards are also used to ensure optimal [production. The Rearing Unit prides itself by having close collaboration between our consulting Veterinarian, Production Manager, Farm Manager and Nutritionist.